Saturday, December 11, 2010

Capitalist Cogs

I read an article this week about the State of Florida pardoning Jim Morrison for allegedly exposing himself in 1969 during a concert.  And while I appreciate the remaining Doors' passion on this subject, as they credit this incident as the beginning of the End for the band, I can't help but focus on the sheer waste of this endeavor.  What has been achieved by this effort?  As Jim supposedly rallied during this very concert, "You're all a bunch of fucking slaves!"  Were truer words were ever spoken? 

I wake up every morning, load up on caffeine, and head out to sit in 45 minutes to 1 1/2 hours of traffic.  The length of my morning commute is one of the only variations in my day.  And for what?  To  "trade in my hours for a handful of dimes" as Morrison sang?  To make a few VIPs in my company wealthy beyond their ability to spend it?  Capitalism at its finest!  Please, China, and all other "developing countries", I beg you, embrace and adopt our model and become "enlightend" as well!  Raise your children to value material wealth above all else.  Turn them into Capitalist Cogs so a few chosen elite may benefit from their labors.  And squelch any natural rebellion they may feel towards this arrangement.  "Let's keep the money machine rolling." as Morrison states in the Oliver Stone biopic.  Indeed!